Payroll | ATO | Single Touch Reporting
Single Touch Payroll
The ATO has changed the way businesses report their payroll
The new reporting requirement has now begun. As of 01 July 2018, businesses with 20 or more employees are required to report to the ATO each time you pay your employees.
The information will include your employees’ salaries and wages, allowances, deductions and other payments, pay as you go (PAYG) withholding and superannuation information.
Reporting is conducted from our Single Touch Payroll (STP) enabled payroll software. Each pay run, also known as a “Pay Event”, must be reported every time you pay employees. Businesses must also notify the ATO of any changes to a previous pay run, also known as a “Update Event”.
How can we help?
We are Government Licenced, and have experts on hand for any enquiry.
• Single Touch electronically reporting directly through to the ATO
• Report each “pay event” and provide the ATO with an “update event” for any changes made to past pay events
• Electronically upload Tax File Declaration forms
• Review and update details such as ABN, addresses, business Tax File number and more!
• Review and update employee details including date of birth tax file numbers and addresses
• You can also outsource directly with us and we will ensure your business meets its reporting requirements
How it looks like in HRPAY
The HR Pay Solutions payroll platform is STP enabled
Set up is easy! Simply notify the ATO and link the software with them via the Software ID or let us do it for you.
Once ready, the reporting capabilities will be available for every pay run and the information will be filed directly with the ATO.
About The Author:
Taj Soloman
Taj Soloman is an established people management professional with experience spanning Payroll, Human Resources, Industrial Relations, Employee Relations and Workplace Health and Safety.
Taj is also the co-founder of HR Pay Solutions providing customers with a total solution to employee management.